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Lex- Comes HOME!

On Wednesday, October 20th at 9am my boyfriend and I picked Lex up! I was nervous and sick to my stomach. I know this sounds really greedy, but I cannot handle blood–even a small cut makes me sick and I knew that the next 2 weeks or so were going to be difficult- just knowing that I would have to see Lex with stitches etc. I tried to get over this “fear,” but I am still struggling.

When Lex came out, he had a cone on (because he was biting at his stitches), but he RAN to us!!!! I was soooooooooooooooooo AMAZED by him. He also RAN to the car and JUMPED into the car! I was shocked again—but a very good shock! I should have known! My Lex, the dog that I have had for 7.5 years who I rescued from a very bad situation is a trooper…he is a fighter, how could I have ever thought- even for a second that he would not come out of this fighting!!! ?

Lex had two Fentanyl patches on which were to be removed on Friday morning (BTW, Lex removed them himself on Friday morning when I was not looking). He is also taking Meloxicam and Amoxicillan.

It is now DAY 6, and Lex is doing wonderfully well! At first I tried to stay awake at night to make sure he would not rip his stitches- because I did not want to put the cone on (he HATES cones), but I was so sleep deprived that I now put a cone on at night– he doesn’t like it, but he accepts it

Lex spend yesterday outside (with mommy, while I was raking), and he was very happy about this! He will be running around in the bush in NO TIME!


10 Responses to “Lex- Comes HOME!”

  1.   Chloes mom Says:

    Since Chloe too was healthy apart from the tumor (and no joint issues either), by the end of two weeks, she was chasing her squeaker again!!! Just make sure Lex doesnt over do it. They don’t seem to know their own limits. For example, on the first day I took Chloe home, we got two houses down (waiting for her to pee) and she just flopped down and stopped. We had to have our neighbors drive us back. This wont necessarily happen to you, but I just wanted to let you know that you have to be mindful about their activities in the first couple of weeks. A little bit of exercise and lots of rest will go a long way!
    Just gradually work up to more exercise and Lex will be back to normal in no time!! Chloe sure is and we are at 3 months!!! She can run in the soft sand on the beach, go on 2 mile walks and play with other dogs! Though she can’t quite keep up… sharp turns and taking off with a rear amputation is a bit of a challenge still… Good luck and we wish you a speedy and uneventful recovery!

    -Chloe’s mom

  2.   carrieb Says:

    Thank-you so much!
    It is so great to be able to speak with other people who have been through similar experiences!

  3.   etgayle Says:

    so good to hear lex is healing nicely, and is returning to his own lovable spunky self. our tripawds have alot to teach us about bravery and priorities…sounds like you have a good teacher there!!

    charon & gayle

    •   carrieb Says:

      Throughout the years that I have had Lex- he has taught me MANY lessons; there is something very special about him!

  4.   jdsmom Says:

    They are surely heroes!!!
    It is the true definition of adaptable when we see our ‘fur-children’ move into their new tri-pawd lives.
    Thank you for sharing Lex’s story.

    Spirit JD’s mom

  5.   Carmen (Catie's Mom) Says:

    I’ve just caught up on Lex’s story.

    His resiliency is so typical of other Tripawds, including ours – Catie. Two days after surgery when my husband picked her up at the hospital she came through the doors positively swimming across the floor with the attendant in tow to get to him. She refused to take the elevator and took the four stairs instead. There is no other word to describe it but amazing.

    I, too, was quite squeamish about looking at Catie’s wound. My hubby did most of the checking however she did have a bandage over the site (and a long one it was) and we did put a t-shirt on her.

    I’m glad Lex is healing well. He will, for sure, soon be back to his old self.

    And I can’t even begin to list all the lessons we’ve learned, and continue to learn, from Catie. It’ll be the same for you, I know.

  6.   admin Says:

    Lex sounds like quite a trooper indeed! He may be happier with the cone of shame alternatives Jerry posted in the Tripawds Gear blog.

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