Lex- Comes HOME!
Posted in Uncategorized on October 24, 2010 byOn Wednesday, October 20th at 9am my boyfriend and I picked Lex up! I was nervous and sick to my stomach. I know this sounds really greedy, but I cannot handle blood–even a small cut makes me sick and I knew that the next 2 weeks or so were going to be difficult- just knowing that I would have to see Lex with stitches etc. I tried to get over this “fear,” but I am still struggling.
When Lex came out, he had a cone on (because he was biting at his stitches), but he RAN to us!!!! I was soooooooooooooooooo AMAZED by him. He also RAN to the car and JUMPED into the car! I was shocked again—but a very good shock! I should have known! My Lex, the dog that I have had for 7.5 years who I rescued from a very bad situation is a trooper…he is a fighter, how could I have ever thought- even for a second that he would not come out of this fighting!!! ?
Lex had two Fentanyl patches on which were to be removed on Friday morning (BTW, Lex removed them himself on Friday morning when I was not looking). He is also taking Meloxicam and Amoxicillan.
It is now DAY 6, and Lex is doing wonderfully well! At first I tried to stay awake at night to make sure he would not rip his stitches- because I did not want to put the cone on (he HATES cones), but I was so sleep deprived that I now put a cone on at night– he doesn’t like it, but he accepts it
Lex spend yesterday outside (with mommy, while I was raking), and he was very happy about this! He will be running around in the bush in NO TIME!